Materials That Can Solve Your Design Or Product Problems

Resdel Epoxy Tubing
The following size schedule lists outside diameters currently available. Specify inside diameter or wall (thickness) and length. Tubing can be cut to lenghs of up to 56” for outside diameters of 2.00” or under. Larger O.D.’s are available in 28” maximum lengths.

Conductive tubing
Resdel epoxy tubing is well known for its exceptional electrical insulation properties. Typical volume resistivities at 23°C approach the 1016 ohm-centimeter level, while dielectric strengths exceed 300 volts/mil. It is this insulating quality, common to most plastics, that in some situations can create problems with electrostatic discharge, or static electricity. Simple contact between materials of differing electric potential can result in the transfer of the surface electrons. The unanticipated arcing of this triboelectric charge can damage sensitive electronic circuitry in computers, radios, televisions, and other household appliances, as well as in industrial and scientific instrumentation.
Machining/fabrication capabilities
Illustrated below are just a few of our machine shop capabilities. These operations can be performed on Resdel epoxy tubing as well as other plastic materials.
Production lot sizes from prototype to large scale can be economically run using our custom equipment. Strict quality control ensures that the finished part conforms to your most demanding specifications.
Header/tubing assemblies
The encapsulation of an electrical component can be greatly simplified by using Resdel’s tubing and header configurations.
All headers are fabricated from black G-10 epoxy-glass laminate. The headers are precision machined to match the outside diameter of the tube, providing a “snap” fit with the inside diameter.
Additional features, such as drilled holes, can be incorporated into the header for insertion of leads or terminal contacts.
Encapsulation Cups
Round epoxy encapsulation cups for electronic component packaging
In some applications, it is convenient to encapsulate electrical devices using a closed-end cylinder. Resdel provides a virtually unlimited size range of round encapsulation cups made from epoxy, which provide a rigid housing with good mechanical strength and excellent dielectric properties. All resin formulations are chemically compatible with typical encapsulating materaisl such as epoxies, urethanes, and silicones.
No Costly Molds
Our unique centrifugal casting process allows us to start with any of the O.D. sizes listed below, and produce an infinite number of wall thicknesses and lengths. Whatever your size requirements, you can get prompt delivery at a competitive price.
Dense and void-free package (no entrapped air), with no draft or taper on inside or outside surfaces. A mirror-like finish improves the appearance of your product.
Wide range of epoxy formulations
Therma/shock-resistant and high temperature formulations available in addition to our general purpose lines.
Economical long lengths
You don’t have to pay premium prices to get long lengths, because we specialize in them.
Epoxy Formulations
The introduction of fillers into the epoxy resin can have a pronounced effect on its final properties. Depending upon the user’s unique requirements, Resdel tubing and encapsulation cups are available in a number of proprietary epoxy formulations. Standard compositions include a general purpose (unfilled) mix, 12% and 50% silicon dioxide filled systems, and a special formula used to manufacture transparent and translucent tubing.
Also available are thermally and electrically conductive grades, as well as systems designed with particular impact resistance.
General Purpose
Characteristics of this formulation include fair to good machinability and impact strength, along with excellent dielectric properties. Commonly used for electrical encapsulation. This is also ideal for sensor housings.
Silicon Dioxide Filler
This grade has slightly higher dielectric strength than our unfilled system, but at some loss in machinability and impact strength. The addition of the filler decreases the thermal coefficient of expansion and makes the tubing suitable for encapsulation when thermal shock tolerance is of concern. The 12% filled system is used principally to manufacture small diameter (under .250” O.D.) tubing. For larger O.D.’s, the 50% filled system should be used.
This is an unfilled resin system used to produce transparent tubing. It is also ideal for sensor housings. The formulation has fair to good machinability and good to excellent chemical resistance. Frequently used to house scientific apparatus such a pH and ion-specific electrodes.