Encapsulation Cups
Round epoxy encapsulation cups for electronic component packaging
In some applications, it is convenient to encapsulate electrical devices using a closed-end cylinder. Resdel provides a virtually unlimited size range of round encapsulation cups made from epoxy, which provide a rigid housing with good mechanical strength and excellent dielectric properties. All resin formulations are chemically compatible with typical encapsulating materaisl such as epoxies, urethanes, and silicones.
Our unique centrifugal casting process allows us to start with any of the O.D. sizes listed below, and produce an infinite number of wall thicknesses and lengths. Whatever your size requirements, you can get prompt delivery at a competitive price.
Dense and void-free package (no entrapped air), with no draft or taper on inside or outside surfaces. A mirror-like finish improves the appearance of your product.
Therma/shock-resistant and high temperature formulations available in addition to our general purpose lines.
You don’t have to pay premium prices to get long lengths, because we specialize in them.